Background - Non-Profit Foundation

Non profit foundations can be registered in Thailand and are exempt from tax on the income they receive.  

Despite their tax exempt status, non profit foundations in Thailand must still meet various accounting and tax compliance requirements.

Non profit foundations in Thailand must have a purpose relating to public charity, religion, art, science, literature or other purpose for the public benefit. 

Non profit foundations in Thailand must first have a fixed address, a 3 person board of directors and written bylaws before they can be registered. 

Non profit foundations in Thailand are registered at the local District office with jurisdiction over their physical location.

Non profit foundations in Thailand must receive final approval from the Ministry of Interior.

Non profit foundations take approximately 6 month to 1 year to register.

NNP Group - Scope of Service

Our non profit foundation registration service includes the following:

  • Consulting on information required and supporting document.
  • Register non profit foundation with the District office is Ministry of Interior.
  • Translate non profit foundation registration papers from Thai to English.
  • Prepare application and obtain tax ID number for non profit foundation.
  • Consulting on accounting and tax compliance requirements for non profit foundation.
  • Correspondence by email, telephone and in person meetings when necessary.